Aksaray Konya Kilim

Aksaray Konya Kilim Aksaray Konya Kilim Aksaray Konya Kilim Aksaray Konya Kilim

The city of Konya in central Asia Minor, was the first capital of the Seljuks when they settled in the area, during the 11th century. They brought with them some of the oldest surviving kilim and carpet motifs, still popular in the present era. In many ways, they are the most famous of all Turkish carpets and kilims.

This magnificent kilim from thenearby town of Aksaray, was made during the middle of the 19th century. The quality of colors, their arrangement, and the superb execution of one of the most elegant of ancient kilim motifs, points to an obviously very talented young girl, who took special care in creating such a treasure, probably for her dowry.

CODE TA 145-3
SIZE 1.21 x 2.95
ORIGIN Asia Minor
AGE Antique